Being Thankful!!
The most dreadful time of the year has just passed, the time of the performance reviews, COVID-19 continues to rage, employees are exiting the workforce in mass numbers, but still, organizations continue to struggle forward. . The employees who have worked so hard and long during the year are quietly saying thanks in ways many leaders or managers do not understand. They are most thankful for having a job for another next year and the meager raise in pay. Yes, they are thankful.
The leadership and their managers should be just as thankful, not for their raises or profits no matter how slim, but for their employees. It is the employees who made everything possible. They are the ones who make the leaders and managers look good and keep the profits on the rise. They are the ones who have missed their kid’s ball games, school performances, and hosts of other events. All to the thanklessness of leaders and managers.
Sadly, the phrase that many in management missed saying during the performance review process was a meaningful thank you. The employees have suffered through the most painful time working through COVID. But, the reminisces of what they have done right, their sacrifices, or dedication to their craft are few. What they are truly wanting to hear is thank you.
With management always seeking ways to motivate their employees, the most simple way is to be thankful for your employees. Having a thankful attitude for their efforts sets the tone for a prosperous new year and brings you to a new level of leadership.
Go ahead and makes the rounds telling them how thankful you and the organization are to have them. A difference in the tone of the organization and culture, as well as the employee, will be felt almost immediately.
Go ahead and say it… Thank You!
Dr. Lawson is an executive coach and a Professor of Economics and Strategy. He writes on business issues, education, and developing today’s modern executives. He can be found on Twitter @dplwsn and #TMIBS.
© Dr. David Lawson 2022
Originally published at on February 1, 2022.